No one can totally guarantee your safety however, we do all that we can to keep our travelers safe and out of harm’s way. Inspire Travel Group does business in foreign countries using only licensed, respected, reliable, and experienced destination management companies who are committed to safety and quality. We maintain ongoing personal relationships with these companies to ensure the highest quality of tour guides, private motor coaches, and accommodations. In Israel, our tours do not go into Gaza or Hebron. We do go into some parts of the West Bank such as Bethlehem or Jericho, safety permitting. If there is local unrest or an occurrence that renders the safety of our travelers questionable, our local guides will eliminate that from the itinerary and see that our travelers remain safe and out of harm’s way. Security on planes bound for the Middle East is much stricter than domestic and even some international air travel. Please be aware when flying into and out of Middle East countries that security personnel may question each traveler separately and extensively regarding the nature of travel, who packed your bag(s), who you are traveling with, and if you know anyone in the Middle East. Additionally, luggage is x-rayed and examined. Understand that these precautions are for YOUR safety and this process requires patience and understanding.